Number of grades criteria
It defines different grades and their minimum required number.
Adding number of grades criteria
Select the promotion criteria in the promotion criteria grid.
Click the Add button under the no. of grades criteria tab
A dialog box will open. Select the grade format, corresponding grade, and input the minimum number required. Then, click the save button.
Note: To add another number of grade criteria, the same grading format must be used in selecting the grade.
Deleting number of grades criteria
Select the promotion criteria in the promotion criteria grid.
Select the number of grades to be deleted.
Click the Delete button.
Select the Ok button to confirm.
Updating number of grades criteria
Note: Promotion Criteria, Grade Format, and Grade cannot be updated.
Select the promotion criteria in the promotion criteria grid.
Select the number of grades to be updated.
Click the Update button.
Modify the minimum number required in the update no. of grade criteria dialog box that will be displayed. Then, click the Save button.